Resident doctors at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH) have called on the Governing Council of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, to reconsider the alleged exclusion of clinical lecturers from vying for the position of vice-chancellor.

This appeal was made by the Association of Resident Doctors (ARD)-NAUTH on Wednesday, coinciding with the fourth week of a strike initiated by the clinical lecturers.

The strike, which began on September 25, is in response to the introduction of criteria that the lecturers argue do not adequately reflect the unique aspects of their career advancement.

The advertisement for the vice-chancellor position stipulated that candidates must hold a first degree, a Master’s degree, and a PhD, along with 15 years of experience.

However, the lecturers contend that these requirements do not align with their academic trajectories at NAU and in the broader context.

Additionally, the criteria included a stipulation for securing N400 million in grants, which they believe effectively disqualifies qualified clinical lecturers from the faculties of Medicine, Basic Clinical Sciences, and Basic Medical Sciences from participating in the selection process.

In a statement issued by Dr. Chiemezie Agbanu and Dr. Nwabueze Okeke, the President and Secretary of ARD-NAUTH, respectively, the association urged the council to eliminate these criteria and ensure that the contest is accessible to all qualified individuals.

ARD-NAUTH also expressed its solidarity with the striking educators represented by the Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN)-NAUTH.

“This conscious attempt to sideline mediçal lecturers from vying for the position of the vice-chancellor of NAU is unlawful according to the NAU Establishment Act of 1993 (as amended).

“We appeal to the governing council, the university management, the National postgraduate College of Nigeria and the National University Commission to kindly intervene and save our already ebbing educational system.

“We join in solidarity with our teachers and trainers to demand immediate retraction of the advert, and advise that an impartial publication be made to enable a fair playing field for every contestant,” it said.

ARD-NAUTH expressed solidarity with the medical students of NAU impacted by the lecturers' strike, which was initiated to advocate for their participation in the competition.