Content creator and actress Shakirat Taiwo, known as Kira Taiwo, has expressed her admiration for her father, veteran actor Taiwo Hassan, affectionately referred to as Ogogo, for taking the time to participate in her skits despite his hectic schedule.

In a conversation with Sunday Scoop, she remarked, “My father is truly the best. While many refer to him as the ‘father of all,’ I take pride in calling him my dad. He is incredibly supportive. Even with his busy life, he makes an effort to join me in my skits.”

Reflecting on her experiences as a mother, Kira shared, “Being a mother is sweet but very stressful. It is especially sweeter if one’s husband is a caring man, because after birth, postpartum depression might set in. If one has good people around one like I have, then one is lucky.”

She also mentioned her feelings towards fellow content creators, stating, “I feel very happy whenever I watch the works of other content creators. I don’t look down on anyone. I do not discredit people’s efforts. I ‘follow’ many of the content creators on social media. If I like the person, I would ‘follow’, irrespective of whether they follow me back or not.”