Abraham Destiny, widely recognized as “Mezzaya” (pronounced ‘Messiah’), is a Nigerian recording artist, singer, and songwriter hailing from Uselu, Edo State, Nigeria.

Growing up in a Christian household as the son of a church General Overseer, Mezzaya's love for music blossomed early in his life, particularly within the church environment.

He drew significant inspiration from the legendary Michael Jackson, mastering his iconic moonwalk and dance techniques while also honing his singing and songwriting abilities by transforming some of Jackson's hits into Christian-themed versions.

As he matured, his musical direction became more defined, leading him to launch his professional career in 2018 with the release of his debut single, “Sunshine,” as an independent artist.

In a recent interview, he shared insights about his music journey, his signing with BLACK DREAMS EMPIRE, and his aspirations for the future.

For those who don’t know you, can you please introduce yourself to our readers, and tell them what you do?

My name is Abraham Destiny popularly known as “Mezzaya”. I am from Uselu. Edo State, Nigeria. I am an artiste who makes what I term Afro-hiphop/RnB.

You are one of the underground new school artistes on the come up. Looking at you one could say you are cool, calm and laid back, is this a strategy?

It’s not a strategy, it’s who I am. I don’t look for trouble, I prefer to stay in my own lane and do my thing. I love to stand out rather than be seen as following the crowd. I simply believe that I have been anointed to become the music redeemer, just like my alias “Mezzaya” (pronounced Messiah) I’m here to breathe more life into the Nigerian music scene.

Why the name MEZZAYA?

The actual name is ‘Messiah’ which I got from the Bible, and then put my own twist on it by writing it as MEZZAYA. Initially I used to answer DESTY, an abbreviation of my government name. But after a while I realized I wanted to be unique and I was no longer ok with my real name so I started searching for a new name, all to no avail. So I relaxed and prayed about it, after praying the name “Messiah” came to my mind and I went online to search for the meaning of the name, I saw a lot of meaning but one caught my attention, which meant THE ANOINTED ONE so I picked on the name and had to change the spellings so it doesn’t go against the Christian faith or disrespect the one true Messiah who is Jesus Christ.

You are rated as one of the artistes to watch out for, how do you see yourself in the next 2/3years?

In the next 2 to 3 years, I can see myself flourishing as an artist! I envision myself creating even more amazing music. My motto is “Always be prepared” like a boy scout, so O am currently focused on honing my skills, and growing my fanbase. So I won’t be found wanting when the time comes. I also see myself performing at bigger venues, collaborating with other talented artistses, and gaining recognition for my unique style. All by the special Grace of God

How do you handle the pressure that comes with being an artiste and trying to meet up and/or live up to people’s expectations of you as an artiste?

I was brought up in the church, and so whenever I feel the pressure of expectations, I pray and ask God for grace to keep working on myself and my craft and to know how to do what I do Best.

Some people feel your music is too laid back and loverboyish, that you only make music for the ladies and you aren’t street enough, is that true?

I was brought up with a lot of love from family and friends. So when I make music, it’s for everyone, boy, girl, friends, family and most especially my fans. I make my music out of love, not necessarily for the ladies. But I also realize it’s the ladies who are the inspiration for most lyrics/songs, so I can understand people thinking I make most specifically for them.

What’s your mindset when you are making music? How do you decide what to write/sing about?

Most times I don’t go to the studio and it’s a particular mindset, I just go with the flow. I just get the inspiration and write the lyrics down. I focus more on delivering good music and spreading love.

Some people make music for girls, ladies, and women. Some do it for fame and money, while others do it for their passion and art. Why do you do music? What’s your inspiration for making music?

I love music! As a child Michael Jackson was my idol. I believe he is the greatest entertainer of the 20/21st century. I am passionate about music and I believe it’s a blessing from God, so I don’t need any inspiration other than to use my given talent to spread joy and happiness.

What are your plans for the future? Are you planning to release any album or EP any time soon?

Of course every artiste is always planning to release a project (he laughs). But seriously I do have an upcoming project in the works, we haven’t decided if it’s going to be a single, a full length album or an EP. Don’t worry once we decide you guys will be the they to know about it.

There is no video for your last release, should your fans expect a video soon or you don’t plan to shoot a video for it?

Yes as an independent artiste funding is tight but from here on, you all should expect a video from my upcoming projects.

Looking at your journey so far, what comes to your mind, seeing the rate the industry keeps churning out new talent everyday?

First of all, I thank God for the guidance, strength and for bringing me this far. We artistes all have the same interests at heart, to make good music, to showcase our talent and most of all to be heard and have our craft appreciated. We strive to be the voice for others and to impact and change lives through our music. Each artiste is different and unique in their own way but it is all about the message you spread and the fans. Most of us have good intentions and do it for love, the culture and for the love of art while some do it solely for the women, fame and bright lights. Lastly, after the race is over that’s when we count the mileage and see who made it to the finish line. So I don’t take anything for granted, and that’s why I need platforms like yours to support my journey and spread my music behind our borders.

What is your biggest fear as an artiste?

My biggest fear as an artiste is not being able to connect with my fans, my audience or not being able to express my true self and create music that resonates with me and my fans. I always do my best to make sure I get things right.

When you see some artistes who used to pop back in the day, but are no longer as relevant as before, how do you feel?

When I see an artiste who used to rule airwaves back in the day but is no longer as relevant as before, it’s natural to feel a mix of emotions. I might feel nostalgic for their previous success, but I also recognize that artistes evolve and trends change. It’s important to appreciate the impact they had and celebrate their past achievements, while also embracing new artistes and styles that resonate with you. Music is ever-evolving, and there’s always room for new stars to shine and for new voices to be heard.

Are you signed to any label? If yes, what’s the name of your label?

Yes, I recently got signed to a record label called, BLACK DREAMS EMPIRE and we have great plans in stock for all my fans.

What advice do you have for upcoming artistes like yourself out there?

As an upcoming artist, my advice to other upcoming artist is to stay true to yourself. Don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment with different sounds and genres. Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow artistes and music lovers who can provide feedback and inspiration. Keep honing your skills, practicing, and never stop learning. And most importantly, believe in yourself and your talent. With dedication, hard work, and a

passion for what you do, you’ll be able to make your mark in the music industry.

Have you written any songs for other artists before?

No, I haven’t, but hopefully in the future. I want to be known for my penmanship as well as my music, I want to be able to write and have some big stars perform what I have written.

What should your fans expect from you this 2024 and beyond?

My fans should expect more music and fresh videos. Also expect greatness in the music space, Mezzaya is here to give that positive vibes.

Which artiste(s) inspire you? Who are the are artistes you would love to collaborate with one day?

If I have the chance I would love to work with everybody (ha ha ha). Seriously, I would love to work with Wizkid, Omah lay, Burna boy, Yung6ix, Davido, Chris Brown & Drake to mention a few.