A Canadian competitor successfully captured the title of the 2024 Air Guitar World Champion by delivering a flawless performance.

They are the most passionate musicians that remain unknown to the world.

Competitors at this year's Air Guitar World Championships in Finland gathered on Friday for the 27th edition of this unique event, often referred to as the Olympics of air guitar, showcasing committed participants such as “Shred Lasso” and “Guitarantula.”

The competition commenced on Wednesday with Airientation in Oulu, located nearly 540 kilometers (335 miles) north of Helsinki, featuring a category open to both seasoned veterans and newcomers. The Dark Horses Qualifications took place on Thursday, leading up to the World Championships Final on Friday night, where Canada’s Zachary “Ichabod Fame” Knowles was crowned the 2024 Air Guitar World Champion.

The contest proved to be challenging, with former 2023 World Champion Nanami “Seven Seas” Nagura from Japan and 2022 winner Kirill “Guitarantula” Blumenkrants from France finishing in second and third place, respectively. Participants are evaluated based on their performances of two songs across two rounds, each lasting 60 seconds. While enthusiasm is essential, the use of a real pick or finger-picking technique is optional. Contestants are permitted to use props and costumes, but real instruments and backup bands are not allowed.

This year's audience favorite was Mathilde “Clitoriff” Dollat from France, who delivered a captivating performance that was further intensified by the heavy rain soaking both the performer and the audience.

Last year, Nanami “Seven Seas” Nagura claimed her third title, making her the most successful air guitarist in a competition that began in 1996. She is now aiming for a fourth consecutive win against nine dark horses and national champions from the United States, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Finland, and France.

The judging panel evaluated contestants based on criteria such as originality, musical immersion, stage presence, technical skill, artistic impression, and overall airness, awarding points on a scale from 4.0 to 6.0, as outlined in the competition's online rulebook. The contestant with the highest cumulative score emerged victorious.

The tournament not only fosters international friendship but also champions inclusivity. The championships’ website states, “Air guitar playing is neither a traditional sport nor an art form, and it does not necessitate specific venues or skills, making it accessible to everyone.” It emphasizes that air guitar can be enjoyed by individuals of any gender, age, ethnic background, sexual orientation, or social status, promoting equality among participants.

Rest assured, regardless of who takes home the title, there will be no sorrowful air guitar performances here. The organizers are dedicated to advocating for global harmony with their motto, “MAKE AIR, NOT WAR.”

The competition's philosophy suggests that if everyone in the world engaged in air guitar, conflicts would cease, climate issues would be resolved, and negativity would vanish. Their website invites everyone to join in playing air guitar for world peace at the conclusion of the event.

So grab your air guitar and join in the fun.