On July 23, 2024, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) hosted a Twitter Space to discuss the mobilization of part-time National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) students for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). This announcement has important implications for part-time ND/HND candidates seeking NYSC mobilization in 2024 and beyond.

Important updates regarding part-time ND/HND programs for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) 2024 intake.

Clarification on NYSC eligibility

Part-time programs are not designed for students who are unable to commit to full-time education. Dr. Fabian, JAMB’s Public Communications Advisor, provided clarification on this matter. He explained that part-time programs are intended for individuals who may have missed the opportunity for full-time education and are now actively engaged in their careers or businesses.

Objective of part-time programs

According to Fabian’s analysis, part-time programs were initially designed to accommodate individuals seeking formal education at a later stage in their lives. However, it has come to our attention that a significant number of candidates are now enrolling in these programs with the expectation of receiving full-time benefits, which deviates from the original intent and purpose of these offerings.

Regularization and Mobilization of Part-Time ND/HND Students for NYSC 2024

JAMB regularisation: JAMB regularises the admissions of part time students to ensure that their educational pursuits are properly documented in their database. It is important to note that this regularisation does not guarantee eligibility for NYSC mobilisation.

No NYSC mobilisation for part time students: Even though JAMB regularises admissions, it is important to understand that part time ND/HND NYSC mobilisation 2024 is not within the scope of JAMB's responsibilities. The regularisation process is solely for the purpose of maintaining accurate records and verifying educational pursuits.

Addressing Past Mobilisations

There have been instances where part-time students were somehow mobilized for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). Dr. Fabian emphasized that these cases were illegal and outside the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board’s (JAMB) mandate.

JAMB acknowledged the ongoing discussions and protests from part-time students regarding their National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) eligibility. Dr. Fabian indicated that the matter will be reviewed, and potential legislation may be enacted to officially include part-time National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) students in future NYSC mobilization exercises.

JAMB New Information on Part Time ND/HND for NYSC 2024

JAMB's regularisation of part-time students is solely for verification purposes and does not automatically ensure NYSC mobilisation.

There are ongoing discussions regarding potential legal amendments that could make part-time ND/HND students eligible for NYSC.

The recent announcements made by JAMB shed light on the matter of part-time NYSC mobilisation in 2024. It is important for students to be aware of the existing restrictions and to anticipate any legal modifications that could impact their NYSC eligibility.