In commemoration of the 2024 Africa Day, Africa’s leading entertainment company, MultiChoice, has emphasized the role of education in cultivating talent and sustainability in the African entertainment industry.

The African continent is teeming with untapped potential. Its people, their abilities, and their rich cultural connections hold the promise of remarkable achievements. Yet, to fully actualize this potential, one crucial intervention stands out: education. The significance of education is widely recognized across Africa, becoming a shared aspiration among its people. This year, as the African Union (AU) celebrates Africa Day on May 25, it has fittingly chosen "The Year of Education" as its theme for 2024.

Education as a Catalyst for Growth

Expressed more comprehensively, the theme for this year is "Educate an African fit for the 21st century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa." This theme underscores the importance of creating robust educational systems that not only provide access to learning but also ensure that education is inclusive, continuous, and tailored to the needs of the 21st century.

In the spirit of this theme, it's essential to examine how various organizations are addressing Africa's educational challenges. By ensuring that the skills students gain are directly relevant to their future development and the continent's progress, these organizations play a pivotal role in cultivating talent.

MultiChoice Talent Factory: Pioneering Industry-Relevant Training

One such organization making significant strides is the MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF). An initiative by the pan-African entertainment company MultiChoice, MTF offers three key components:

MTF Academies: Located in major African capitals such as Nairobi, Lagos, and Lusaka, these academies provide hands-on, relevant training for aspiring TV and film professionals.

MTF Portal: A platform for professionals to network and find work opportunities.

MTF Masterclasses: Ongoing professional development programs.

Among these, the MTF Academies are particularly influential. These academies equip aspiring industry professionals with the essential skills needed to thrive in the rapidly evolving film and television sector. Now in its sixth year, the MTF program offers a comprehensive, fully funded 12-month industry-readiness course. This course provides participants with invaluable opportunities to learn from industry experts in various fields, including scripting, directing, producing, cinematography, commissioning, and editing.

The focus on hands-on experience ensures that graduates are not only qualified but also possess practical, proven abilities to work in the sector. This emphasis on directly relevant skills creates a pipeline of trained professionals ready to enter the job market, giving hundreds of young people emerging from MTF Academies each year a strong chance of establishing successful careers.

Unlocking Youth Potential

The impact of MTF's training program is evident in the high employment rates of its graduates. A survey found that around 92 percent of MTF Academy graduates go on to work in the creative sector. Many of these young professionals secure careers at MultiChoice, which prides itself on being "Africa’s most-loved storyteller."

This level of absorption highlights another significant benefit of education in Africa's development journey: unlocking the massive potential of the continent's youthful population. MTF Academy students consistently win awards at film festivals, have their work showcased on major platforms, and achieve great career success. These accomplishments demonstrate how industry-focused training can rapidly yield tangible benefits.

The success that MultiChoice has achieved by training its own industry professionals provides a valuable example for other corporates. This is especially pertinent in Africa, where the continent's vast youth population represents its greatest global opportunity. However, this opportunity can only be realized through education.

Education is the key to transforming Africa's 400 million young people aged between 15 and 35 into a generation of doctors, lawyers, financiers, engineers, and media professionals. As the African Union aptly states, "… such a youthful population calls for an increase of investment in economic and social development factors, in order to improve the development index of African nations."

The MTF training program is a deliberate development initiative designed to create careers for aspiring film and television professionals. It also addresses the needs of MultiChoice, the media sector, and the African economy as a whole.

Cultural Impact of Education in the Creative Industry

Another critical aspect of this training-to-production pipeline in the creative sector is its cultural impact. Training African creatives equips them to tell African stories. As dynamic, highly skilled African creatives go on to produce content that resonates powerfully with African audiences, it drives engagement, enriches businesses, and allows Africa’s people to see themselves reflected in world-class entertainment.

This innovative approach to "educating Africa" empowers Africans to educate other Africans—culturally and spiritually—through storytelling. These African stories also enable the continent to showcase its history and talent to the rest of the world as productions take their rightful place on global content platforms.

On Africa Day, this dual approach to African self-actualization is more relevant than ever. The continent is not only developing the abilities of its people through education and training but also enhancing its global standing by producing goods, services, and creative outputs that add value, entertain, and inspire.

Broader Implications for the Creative Industry

The success of initiatives like the MultiChoice Talent Factory offers broader implications for the creative industry across Africa. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and skill development, the creative sector can thrive and contribute significantly to the continent’s economy. Here are some key areas where education plays a vital role in cultivating talent in Africa's creative industry:

1. Bridging the Skills Gap

There is often a gap between the skills taught in educational institutions and the demands of the job market. Programs like MTF bridge this gap by offering practical training that aligns with industry needs. This approach ensures that graduates are job-ready and equipped with the necessary skills to excel in their chosen fields.

2. Encouraging Innovation and Creativity

Education fosters innovation and creativity, which are crucial in the creative industry. By exposing students to various aspects of the industry and encouraging them to think critically and creatively, educational programs help nurture innovative ideas that can drive the industry forward.

3. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

A robust education system promotes diversity and inclusion within the creative industry. By providing access to education for all, regardless of background, gender, or socioeconomic status, educational programs ensure that the industry benefits from a diverse pool of talent. This diversity enriches the industry with a variety of perspectives and ideas.

4. Building a Sustainable Industry

Sustainability is key to the long-term success of any industry. By focusing on education and continuous professional development, the creative industry in Africa can build a sustainable pipeline of talent. This sustainability ensures that the industry can adapt to changes and continue to grow.

5. Enhancing Global Competitiveness

By producing high-quality content and skilled professionals, Africa's creative industry can compete on a global scale. Education plays a crucial role in achieving this by equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to meet international standards. This competitiveness can lead to increased opportunities for African creatives on global platforms.

The Future of Education and the Creative Industry in Africa

As Africa looks to the future, the role of education in cultivating talent in the creative industry will only become more critical. The continent must continue to invest in education and training programs that are relevant, inclusive, and forward-thinking. This investment will ensure that Africa's creative industry continues to grow and thrive, contributing to the continent's overall development.

Key Recommendations for the Future

To further strengthen the role of education in the creative industry, the following recommendations can be considered:

Increase Investment in Education: Governments, private sector organizations, and international partners should increase their investment in education, focusing on programs that offer practical, industry-relevant training.

Foster Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between the public and private sectors can lead to the development of innovative educational programs that meet the needs of the creative industry.

Support Lifelong Learning: Continuous professional development and lifelong learning opportunities should be encouraged to ensure that individuals can keep up with industry changes and advancements.

Promote Access to Education: Efforts should be made to ensure that education is accessible to all, including marginalized and underserved communities. This access will help to create a more inclusive and diverse creative industry.

Leverage Technology: Technology can play a significant role in enhancing education and training programs. Online learning platforms, virtual workshops, and digital resources can make education more accessible and flexible.


The role of education in cultivating talent in Africa's creative industry is undeniable. Initiatives like the MultiChoice Talent Factory demonstrate the transformative power of industry-focused training and its ability to unlock the potential of Africa's youth. By investing in education and creating opportunities for continuous learning and professional development, Africa can build a vibrant and sustainable creative industry that contributes to its cultural, social, and economic growth.