This season Biggie rounded up 23 lively characters under one roof to give us the wildest season yet, and McJunior walks out as the season's champ.

In a gripping two-hour finale, and a very close difference between himself and Makhekhe, 0.07% to be specific, McJunior was crowned the S'ya Mosha winner. Tonight, he's walking out of Biggie's house R2-million richer, and that is not even counting the three cheques he snagged from Friday night arena games and task money.

The  S'ya Mosha  season truly lived up to its name, delivering exactly what it promised – loads of Biggie's trials, twists, and turns. From introducing steaks during veggie week to the cabin crew and the fate room, it kept us hooked. And the housemates? They made sure to strut their stuff, sometimes a bit too much. We saw strikes flying as early as week one, and they didn't stop. Makhekhe,  Liema ,  Mpumi , and  Yolanda  racked up six strikes between them.

When they were at their best, they gave us the juiciest storylines.  Jareed 's  isithembu  with Liema,  Els , and Mpumi had us gossiping all season. McJunior's ongoing beef with  PapaGhost  went from heated exchanges to straight-up ignoring each other and nominating back and forth all season long.

From a starting lineup of 23, we were down to the final six: Makhekhe, McJunior, Mpumi, Sinaye, PapaGhost, and Zee. They served up continuous entertainment, drama, tactics, skills, and endless gameplay. Tonight, Papaghost was first to get the boot, followed by Mpumi who unequivocally stated that she would not be pursuing a ship with Jareed. "We deserve better," Mpumi said. Next, was Zeenaye, who were summoned out of the house together. They both have no regrets and would repeat this experience.

The dynamic duo, detectives Shoes and Jackson, were the last two men standing, and they listened an address from Big Brother himself. He celebrated Makhekhe and McJunior, with an analyisis of what they offered in the house and their gameplay, earning themselves a place in the Top 2 hall of fame. The speech was followed by an emotional walk through the house, as their final goodbye to Biggie's house.

In an energetic end to a thrilling journey, McJunior was given the grand prize of R2-million and his fellow housemates shared in his joy.

It has been a wild ride, and that's facts on facts!