Zanzibar hopes to raise the bar for African hospitality by constructing a seven-star hotel.

According to a Tanzanian publication, The Citizen, this is also part of its aim to strengthen tourism, its core sector. The hotel will be constructed on a tiny island.

The Montuli would be the name of the ambitious seven-star deluxe hotel, which would be located on the picturesque island of Pemba. It is slated to be the first in East Africa.

Zanzibar’s journey towards seven-star hotel is being driven by President Hussein Mwinyi’s innovative leadership.

Hussein Muzamir’s $8 million commitment demonstrates his belief in Zanzibar’s tourism industry.

Zanzibar’s ambition to build a seven-star hotel was revealed by Sharif Ali Sharif, the executive director of Zanzibar Investment Authority. He made the announcement at the ceremony of a different resort in North Unguja on Saturday, January 6th.

“We have many exciting developments on the horizon, but one in particular stands out: the arrival on Pemba Island of East Africa’s first-ever seven-star hotel. Let us congratulate President Hussein Mwinyi on his visionary leadership in making this happen,” said the executive director.

Sharif Ali Sharif also announced the establishment of a 2500-capacity conference centre in the Fumba Free Economic Zone, as well as the construction of a few stadiums with popular athletes as stakeholders, during the ceremony.

According to ZIPA data, the organization has been responsible for the creation of 17,000 jobs over the last three years, as part of a $4.5 billion investment portfolio that includes 296 projects. 112 of these initiatives are aimed towards the country’s tourism industry.

The investor in charge of the Montuli, Hussein Muzamir, noted that he is very confident in Zanzibar’s tourism potential. He stated; “The attractive policies and enabling environment on the island attracted us to invest $ million in this project, which will create 200 jobs upon completion.”