Canon has provided essential support to the dedicated philanthropist, Moses Oruaze Dickson, offering necessary guidance and expertise to illuminate the path to positive change.

Image was taken in 2018 while celebrating the end of a successful community outreach in Egbedi town in Kolokuma-Opukuma local government Area in Bayelsa State

In a world often plagued by headlines of strife and discord, it is heartening to shine a light on a story of hope and transformation. Nestled in the heart of Nigeria's Niger Delta region, Canon ( has provided essential support to the dedicated philanthropist, Moses Oruaze Dickson, offering necessary guidance and expertise to illuminate the path to positive change.

Oruaze’s journey resonates with the very essence of transformation. Born and raised in Toru-Orua village in Sagbama Local Government area of Bayelsa State in Nigeria, he understands the stark realities of life in a region where dreams often collide with adversity. However, it was precisely these challenges that ignited his unwavering passion for change.

In 2012, Oruaze founded the Goldcoast Developmental Foundation in honor of the late philanthropist, Goldcoast Dickson – his mother. For over a decade, this foundation has been a beacon of hope, reaching out and touching the lives of thousands. Its impact extends to over 8,000 women, children, and men, bearing testimony to its reach and effectiveness.

The foundation's three-pronged approach is anchored in education, primary healthcare, and strategic youth empowerment. Over the years, it has addressed critical healthcare needs, provided essential educational support, empowered youth with purposeful initiatives to rural communities and extended a helping hand to flood victims during the devastating floods of 2012, 2018, and 2022.

The path to success was anything but smooth for the foundation. Resource scarcity and the need to raise public awareness presented formidable obstacles. Yet, these challenges acted as catalysts for greater public engagement and support from the Bayelsa and other Niger-Delta State Governments, generous individuals, local NGOs, and a few corporate entities.

Amidst this collaborative surge, an unexpected hero emerged in the form of Oruaze’s Solalina Studios, a creative imaging and storytelling startup supported by Canon. Undeterred by adverse weather and conditions, the studio documented the foundation's tireless efforts to improve awareness of its activities which saved lives. Together, they turned tragedies into an opportunity for shared grief, empathy, and, most importantly, action.

This relationship extended far beyond mere documentation. With the guidance and support of Canon, Solalina Studios evolved from its humble beginnings into a burgeoning creative hub. Armed with cutting-edge equipment and a commitment to free training initiatives, Solalina Studios is becoming not just a center for creativity but also a catalyst for community engagement. It plans to establish a movie production hub that provides employment opportunities for youths, signifying the spirit of growth and empowerment.

Image was taken during the flood disaster in 2018 when Oruaze was in the field at Sabagria town in the Kolokuma Opukuma Local Government Area. In the course of this event, displaced children were encountered, and a conversation ensued wherein Oruaze provided encouragement and support. Subsequently, the children guided him to their shelter

OUTREACH BREAK TIME FUN: learning how to make native fish traps from flood displaced residents of Okoloba (Sabagreia) II in Kolokuma-Opukuma Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, 2018

However, Oruaze's journey is not just about philanthropy and social change; it is also about preserving memories. His childhood was marked by a lack of photographs to capture the moments that shaped his life, sparking his passion for photography. With every click of his camera, he doesn't merely capture images but the legacies of hope, perseverance, and transformation.

In his own words, Oruaze expresses the significance of preserving memories, "Solalina Studios is not just about photography; it's about creating a legacy of profound and cherished memories because, in the end, it's the memories that live on."

The foundation's commendable work has earned admiration from prominent figures like former President of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Former Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, as well as religious and traditional leaders. Their endorsement serves as a testament to the collective vision and dedication embodied by the Goldcoast Developmental Foundation over the years.

As we look ahead, Oruaze envisions even greater strides for the foundation, with a focus on adult education, rural programs for nursing mothers and children, and strategic youth empowerment projects like photography and film making. His legacy transcends bricks and mortar, residing in the lives transformed, the memories preserved, and the communities united.

The story of Moses Oruaze Dickson supported by Canon is a powerful reminder that a single individual's unwavering determination can indeed be a catalyst for transformation. It is a testament to the potential for positive change when philanthropy and innovation join hands in pursuit of a better world according to him 'one life at a time'.