Towards communicating the impact of tourism through films, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), during the just concluded 2023 edition of its Video Competition used the power of visual storytelling to highlight tourism as a force for good.

Member States from all regions were invited to submit their videos for consideration, with a jury made up of top media professionals judging them based on how well they communicate the positive impact of tourism. The competition was divided into two categories: Tourism and the decade of action, and exceptional stories of sustainable tourism.

The first category submissions were judged on how well they show how the tourism sector is advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through references to one or more of the 17 Global Goals.

 While for the second category, Member States were asked for remarkable examples which showcase the human face of tourism and make clear the positive social impact the sector can deliver for communities and individuals.

The winners were announced during the UNWTO General Assembly that took place this week in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.  The 2023 winners from the first category ‘Tourism and the Decade of Action’ are: Africa: The Gambia- Welcome to Gambia, Americas: Panamá – Panamá vive por más, Asia and the Pacific: Philippines – Tourism Heroes of Palawan, Europe: Georgia – Stumari and Middle East: Oman – Experience Oman.

 The winners from the second category who showcased ‘Exceptional Stories of Sustainable Tourism’ are Africa: Kenya – Magical Kenya, Americas: Panama – Panamá vive por más, Asia and the Pacific: Philippines – Tourism Hero of Zamboanga City, Europe: Switzerland – My Swisstainable Journey – Ivano Künzli, and the Middle East: Egypt – Visit Esna.