Phidel Kizito

Opposition-led civil unrest that occurred between the months of March and July this year pushed up the cost of healthcare in the country, a new report has revealed, squeezing already struggling Kenyans amid high inflation.

A study released today by the Kenya Health Federation (KHF) and Smart Applications International (Smart) indicates that consultation, procedure, medication, radiology, and laboratory tests, as well as consumables, increased in the affected areas of Nairobi, Kisumu, and Mombasa.

"The realm of healthcare has borne the brunt of these demonstrations, with effects extending beyond what might be expected," reads the report in part.

Increased medical care, KHF chairperson Kanyenje Gakombe agreed, was in part due to a disruption in the supply chain.

"The data sheds light on the factors influencing these cost dynamics. Supply chain disruptions, increased demand due to unrest, operational challenges, safety measures and limited facility access during demonstrations all played a role in driving up healthcare costs," he said.

Likewise, Smart Applications Managing Director Harrison Muiru urged preparedness in the health sector to deal with such scenarios in the future.

"Recognizing these trends enables effective cost management strategies and ensures quality delivery even during challenging circumstances, "he said.

"By shedding light on the intricacies of the industry's dynamics, this data-driven insights equips us with the clarity needed to forge informed decisions, guiding our paths forward while fostering co-existence for sustained economic growth," added Muiru.