Big Brother has issued a strike each to Ike and Soma. Ike was issued a strike for vandalizing his fellow housemate Ilebaye’s clothes and thrashing them across the toilet floor on Friday morning. while Soma got his for harassing Angel, a fellow housemate and displaying utter disrespect to Big Brother by flipping his finger at the camera.

Big Brother also told Ike that should he survive the forthcoming live eviction show, another punishment awaits him.

Recall that Biggie’s house was thrown into a state of confusion this morning when Ike scattered Ilebaye’s locker, taking her coins and scattering her clothes, including her personal items, across the toilet floor.

As reported by The Guardian, this happened after a discussion between Ike, Kiddwaya, Seyi, and Pere. They formed a strategy to provoke Ilebaye into receiving her third strike, hoping for her eviction.

“Ilebaye had already received a double-strike the previous week due to her argument with Ceec. Pere was the originator of this plan and Ike agreed to it.

“Ike went over to Ilebaye’s locker and began removing her clothes and personal items. He then took some of them to the bathroom, throwing them on the floor. Ike also took Ilebaye’s coins, contributing to the increasing collection of coins he has stolen.

“Venita and Seyi were witnesses to the situation and they reacted by laughing. However, Venita later questioned Ike saying,” She then got up and walked away from the scene with Seyi doing the same, but not before saying, “The game has just begun.”

“Afterwards that situation, a discussion between Ike and Seyi shed light on Ike’s motives. Ike, seeming satisfied with what he had done said that, “This one will hit her. She will cry tomorrow.” Seyi found this amusing and even danced in response. The two came to an agreement not to tell anyone about who trashed Ilebaye’s belongings but Seyi later revealed it to Mercy.

“Mercy on the other hand went to gather Ilebaye’s items from the bathroom floor, sanitize them and return to the locker. Throughout the incident, Ilebaye maintained her composure, calmly organizing her belongings and putting some away.