The Super Mario Bros. Movie, an animated game adaptation by Universal and Illumination, has made a historic debut in theaters worldwide.

The film, featuring Chris Pratt as the voice of Mario, has smashed box office records, earning a whopping $377 million globally in just its first 10 days of release. The movie has already become the highest grossing film of 2023, beating out all other movies in the first quarter.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie also broke several animation film records, surpassing Frozen 2's $358 million earnings. The movie is Illumination's biggest hit to date, surpassing the $5 billion earnings from 13 films in the Minions franchise. The film's international earnings alone stand at nearly $173 million.

The origin story of Brooklyn plumbers, the Mario Brothers, brings Nintendo's most iconic characters back to the big screen, including Bowser, played by Jack Black, and Princess Peach, played by Anya Taylor-Joy. Charlie Day also lent his voice to Luigi in this adaptation.

Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, The Super Mario Bros. Movie has set several records. It marks the biggest-ever opening weekend for a movie based on a video game, with a $377 million global opening. It also broke the record for the highest animated IMAX opening weekend ever with $21.6 million.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie has exceeded expectations, proving to be a massive success at the box office. Fans of the video game franchise have flocked to theaters to see their favorite characters come to life in a new and exciting way.


Q1:When did Mario first make its appearance?

Donkey Kong — July 9, 1981

Q2:Who has written “The Super Mario Bros. Movie”?

Matthew Fogel