The Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN) has called for the implementation of STEM educational curricula in schools across Nigeria to combat gender stereotypes against girls.

The call was made by APWEN’s president, Jumoke Eterigh at the launch of the ‘STEMitOut4Girls’ campaign, organized by APWEN in collaboration with the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State’s capital.

According to Eterigh, STEM education, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, provides students, particularly girls, with the knowledge and skills required to excel in today’s rapidly evolving world, where technology plays a crucial role in all industries.

She explained that the ‘STEMitOut4Girls’ campaign aims to increase awareness that engineering is a viable career option for girls, thereby increasing the number of female engineers in Nigeria.

Speaking further, the APWEN President stressed that “gender divides in education have perpetuated learning and skills crises, including a lack of access to quality learning opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, which are typically credited to boys.

“Despite girls typically outperforming boys in reading skills in most regions, they remain underrepresented in top-performing STEM subjects, resulting in a shortage of women in STEM fields.”

Eterigho further affirmed that STEM education, as advocated by APWEN, is essential for unlocking students’ potential and providing them with the skills they need to succeed.

The ‘STEMitOut4Girls’ program, with the theme ‘Interest and Proficiency in STEM,’ was a three-day event held at Ayalla Hotel and St. Jude Girls College, Amarata, Yenagoa.

The event involved training for the trainers, with collegiate from Niger Delta University, Ammasoma, and Federal University, Otuoke, in Ogbia Local Government Area, as well as teachers from seven public schools, including those with special needs.

The schools trained were St. Jude Girls School, Amarata; Government Science and Technical College, Okaka (GSTC); Community Secondary School (CSS), Okutukutu; Community Girls Secondary School, Agudama-Epie (GSS); Community Secondary Secondary School, Yenezuegine; Central Epie Secondary School Opolo; and Bayelsa State School for Children with Special Needs.

During the event, Eterigho commended NCDMB’s management for funding the project and bestowed the ‘Diversity Champion Award’ on the Executive Secretary, Simbi Wabote, for his tireless efforts to promote and empower girls.

The Executive Secretary of the NCDMB, Wabote, represented by the Deputy Manager, Capacity Building Division, Mr. Mofe Megbele, expressed the board’s readiness to partner with APWEN programs and policies to promote capacity development for girls and women.