Ericsson’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held today on March 29, 2023 in Kista, Stockholm. Shareholders were also able to exercise their voting rights by post before the meeting.

Ericsson shareholders voted against discharging the CEO and most of the board members of liability for the tech company's actions during 2022 at the group's annual general meeting on Wednesday.

Under Swedish law, if board members are not discharged of their liabilities for the previous year by shareholders owning at least 10% of the stock they can be sued by the company and its investors.

Shareholders are upset with the company's perceived mishandling of alleged bribery cases. Ericsson was fined 207 million dollars earlier this year by the U.S. authorities for not properly disclosing that a 2019 investigation had found the company may have paid bribes to militant organisations in Iraq.

"Almost exactly a year ago, we were promised more information. Since then we have been waiting, but the questions are still unanswered," Sverre Linton of the Swedish Shareholder's Association said at the AGM.

Ericsson's board was denied discharge of liability last year too, in a rare rebuke for corporate leadership in Sweden.

Discharge from liability

The AGM resolved to discharge Carolina Dybeck Happe and Annika Salomonsson from liability for the financial year 2022. It was recorded that shareholders representing at least one tenth of all of the shares in the company voted against discharge from liability for the other members of the Board and the President for the financial year 2022.

Board of Directors

The AGM elected Board members in accordance with the proposal of the Nomination Committee. Jan Carlson was elected as new Chair of the Board and Jon Fredrik Baksaas, Börje Ekholm, Eric A. Elzvik, Carolina Dybeck Happe, Kristin S. Rinne, Helena Stjernholm and Jacob Wallenberg were re-elected as Board members. Jonas Synnergren and Christy Wyatt were elected new Board members. Ronnie Leten, Kurt Jofs and Nora Denzel, who did not stand for re-election, left the Board of Directors in connection with the AGM. It was also noted that the unions have appointed Torbjörn Nyman, Anders Ripa and Kjell-Åke Soting employee representatives in the Board of Directors with Ulf Rosberg, Loredana Roslund and Annika Salomonsson as deputies.

Board of Directors' Fees

The AGM resolved on fees to the Board of Directors, in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal. Yearly fee to the Chair of the Board of SEK 4,500,000, and fees to other non-employee members of the Board, elected by the AGM, of SEK 1,140,000 each. Fees for Committee work to non-employee members of the Committees, elected by the AGM, were approved as follows: SEK 495,000 to the Chair of the Audit and Compliance Committee and SEK 285,000 to each of the other members of the Audit and Compliance Committee, SEK 210,000 to each of the Chairs of the Finance Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Technology and Science Committee, and SEK 185,000 to each of the other members of the Finance Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Technology and Science Committee.

The AGM approved the Nomination Committee's proposal to enable payment of part of the fees to the members of the Board for the Board assignment (excluding fees for Committee work), in the form of synthetic shares.


The AGM re-elected Deloitte AB as auditor for the period up until the end of the AGM 2024 and approved the Nomination Committee´s proposal for auditor fee.