The Lagos State Government, on Thursday handed over the management of the iconic Glover Memorial Hall to Lufodo Group, a theatre and film producing company founded by Olu Jacobs and Joke Silva.

Built in 1887, the Glover Memorial Hall (GMH) is a heritage building for theatre and performing arts in Lagos

Mrs Uzamat Akinbile-Yussuf, the Commissioner of Tourism, Arts and Culture, alongside the Permanent Secretary, Princess Adenike Adedoyin-Ajayi and Director of Theatre, Mr Odusote handed over the management of the hall  to Lufodo after a rigorous bidding process for the concession to manage it, which Lufodo had won.

Lufodo, in partnership with Ciuci Consulting-a leading consulting and operations management firm will be managing GMH for the next 5 years. This partnership will have both Ms. Joke Silva and Mrs Ifeoma Monye as co-CEOs. Joke Silva is in charge of artistic direction and Ifeoma Monye operations.

Also, a new board has been established with Mr. Gbenga Oyebode as the Chairman. The board members include Chief (Mrs.) Taiwo Taiwo, Ms. Joke Silva, Dr. Tony Rapu, Mr. Soji Jacobs, Mrs Ifeoma Monye and Dr. (Mrs.) Amina Abubakar Bello.

Speaking at the event, Ms Joke Silva thanked the Lagos State government for their trust in Lufodo and assured them that their trust has not and will not be misplaced.

Mrs. Ifeoma Monye a partner at Ciuci Consulting said: “This handover is symbolic and shows that Lagos State is interested in the development of the performing arts industry. With more Public-Private Partnerships, there is no limit to the growth that the great state and nation will experience.”