The best 2019/20 graduating student of the Crescent University, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Qudrat Ishola, said her father and mother deserved an award for best parents for their roles in her achievements in life so far.

Ishola, 19, who graduated with a 4.91 Cumulative Grade Point Average, spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria.

In an interview in Abeokuta on Saturday, she said the medals she received on her convocation day were dedicated to her parents.

She explained that despite financial challenges, they supported, advised her all through and always reminding her of her goals.

Ishola, who graduated from the Department of Biological Science, said: “Although, it was not Microbiology I actually wanted to study, I have passion for Medicine and Surgery and I still do, I heard that if I pass my microbiology examinations well, I would have higher chance of being able to transfer to Medicine and Surgery.

“I got this burning passion to be the best among my mates the day I got admitted to Crescent University, Abeokuta and it really assisted me.

“I read at my convenience.

“I do not compare myself with other people.

“I have some friends that read all night and some only during the day, but then everyone needs to learn when is best for them.

“I always ensure I read before exams.”

Ishola, the first child in a family of nine, also told NAN that she took her studies serious right from her days in the secondary school.

She said: “My saddest moment was when I lost one of my friends in our 300 level days so painful but we just have to realise that life is all about ups and downs.

“I was also faced with some challenges, which included joggling through leadership, being the school Amirah in my final year and also head of class of my department.

“I faced financial problems, most especially in my final year.

“It was terrible but Alhamdulillah.”

Ishola advised other students to always put their best in whatever they do, adding that they should not compete with anyone, but dream about success and also work for it.

“Set goals and ensure you work towards it. Be consistent in whatever you do and stay committed. Always put your God first at all times. Know what can distract you and stay away from it.

“Do not settle for okay and do not settle for good enough but always strive for the best,” she said.

NAN reports that the institution graduated 759 students at its 13th convocation held on October 16.