by Alyson Casey Kruger

An increasing number of people are now more inclined to be more environmentally conscious and live a sustainable life. In fact, a survey on Good News Network highlights how 85% of Americans have made at least one positive change in their lifestyle last year. What’s great is that this eco-awareness movement is gaining traction, as the same survey also notes how each average respondent has swayed three of their friends into becoming more sustainable, too.

One key area in your life where you can make a significant change towards sustainability is in your home. By tweaking certain aspects of your home, you can save energy and have an eco-friendly home. Without further ado, here are some factors to consider moving forward:

Install smart home devices

A study by Xiaomi reports that at least 51%

Switch to solar energy ⁠

One of the most obvious reasons why you should switch to solar energy is that it means you don’t have to rely on the grid, which often generates energy using non-renewable resources. Installing solar panels in your home allows you to generate clean energy and reduce your carbon footprint. There simply is nothing about solar power that taints the environment.

However, not all solar panels and systems are made the same. If you want to maximize your energy savings, Hoymiles advises homeowners that they should look for systems that use micro-inverters, which efficiently transform the DC power generated by your solar panels to usable AC power. What’s more, be sure to do your due diligence to figure out what kind of solar panels best fit your needs.

Choose energy-efficient appliances

It is reported that appliances account for at least 13% of all household energy use. For this reason, it is important that you choose energy-efficient appliances. While these may have higher upfront purchase prices compared to conventional appliances, energy-efficient appliances have lower operating costs. One way to look for energy-efficient appliances is by checking if they’re energy star certified. This guarantees that the appliance will consume less energy compared to standard appliances.

Properly insulate your home

Even if you had an energy-efficient HVAC system or installed a smart thermostat, you might not be able to maximize your energy savings if you fail to properly insulate your home. Insulation is key in lowering your energy bills by keeping heat out of your home during the warm months and retaining heat during the winter. The Balance points out that a properly insulated home should be covered from its foundation up to its roof. This can be a huge undertaking for a regular homeowner, so if you suspect that your home is not properly insulated, be sure to call up a trusted contractor in your area.

Written by Alyson Casey Kruger
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