Michael Jordan is taking the next step to his $100 million commitment to the Black community.

Through his Jordan Brand company, the basketball icon will offer social organizations funds from a $1 million community grant program to help meet objectives in combating issues that plague Black communities. Firms with budgets of $3 million or less will be considered for the grants.

Applicants can apply until April 30, are required to be U.S.-based and 501(c)(3) confirmed. Non-profit group Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors is coordinating the program, which will distribute money from Jordan brand’s $100 million pledge to fight racism and income inequality.

“Since announcing our commitment to the Black Community in June of 2020, we’ve been focused on two things – action and impact,” Jordan brand president Craig Williams said in a statement. “I’m excited about the impact these grants will have in the Black Community. We know that when we create positive change for the Black Community, there is a benefit for almost every other group.”

Jordan’s brand joined top companies who donated funds to the Black community following a series of high-profile police killings in 2020, including George Floyd’s death. Former police officer Derek Chauvin is currently standing trial for killing Floyd and faces charges of second and third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

The Jordan brand made donations of up to $1 million last July, distributing money from the pledge to the NAACP, the Formerly Incarcerated and Convicted People and Families Movement (FICPFM), and Black Voters Matter organization.