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    Thursday, January 7, 2021

    Congress Certifies Joe Biden’s Election Win, After Dramatic, Violent Day At Capitol

    A joint session of Congress certified Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners of the 2020 election early on Thursday, the climax to a day of unrest in which supporters of Donald Trump stormed the Capitol in a violent siege that ultimately failed to stop the proceedings.

    As Vice President Mike Pence presided over the electoral vote count from each state, the victory of Biden and Harris was sealed at 3:32 AM ET when Vermont’s votes put them over the 270 vote threshold.

    Several minutes later, after the vote count was finished, members clapped after Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) announced Biden and Harris as the winners. Pence then confirmed his own defeat on the ticket with Trump as he announced the final total, 306-232.

    Trump pledged an "orderly transition of power" in a statement early on Thursday morning.

    The Senate went back in session to resume debate on a challenge to Arizona's electors shortly after 8 p.m., over seven hours after the joint session to count Electoral College votes began, and the House went back into session to resume debate approximately an hour later, shortly after 9:00 p.m. 

    Both rejected the objection.

    Some lawmakers still objected to the certification of the electors from some states. But other lawmakers withdrew their planned objections after the violent scenes in the Capitol.

    Dozens of House lawmakers and 13 Republican Senators, as of Wednesday, had originally planned on raising objections to at least one and possibly multiple slates of electors.

    In response to the violence, Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser ordered a 6 p.m. curfew in the District of Columbia. The D.C. National Guard and Virginia National Guard were also deployed to the scene.

    The event in most years is simply a procedural formality. But outgoing Trump and his allies spent the prior two months attempting to overturn the 2020 election results.

    Today, that effort erupted into violence never before seen in modern US history.

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