Whatever stage your business is at, if you want to boost your company reach in 2020, make sure your strategy to get more Instagram followers is up to date!

And forget about taking any shortcut and buying Instagram followers. It does not work and can, actually, severely damage your business!

In fact, only more real followers (not the fake, bought ones) lead to more brand awareness and trust—two factors that will help your business rocket to the top of its market.

These days, being a social media influencer seems like a dream job and influencers are known for the wide range of benefits that come with their popularity. However, before you can enjoy the perks of being an influencer, you need to grow your number of followers first.
Here is how to grow followers on Instagram and Twitter.

How To Get Followers On Instagram
Instagram is a famously competitive social media platform and it seems like every minor and major niche is already occupied by powerful influencers. Still, here are 5 effective ways to dramatically increase your number of followers on Instagram.
  • Keep your posts regular and consistent. No matter how many followers you’ve got, if you post irregularly or upload content that is widely different from the theme of your page or your brand, you are going to lose them instead of gaining them.
  • Collaborate with other accounts in your niche. Cross-promotion is one of the most effective techniques to increase the number of followers. You can sponsor another blogger’s post, create a collaboration, or suggest advertising each other account’s for free if your target audiences overlap but are not the same.
  • Cross-promote your Instagram page. If you are a business owner, a blogger, or a local internet celebrity, you are probably present on other social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or even have your own website. Make sure your social media accounts are interlinked everywhere!
  • Use hashtags. Hashtags are one of the most controversial aspects of Instagram, and while it’s true that you are unlikely to get any exposure with generic hashtags like #home or #love, you can easily make a difference in your number of followers by using popular hashtags that are directly linked to your niche.
  • Keep your feed lighthearted. Unless you run a news account or something very serious where humour feels inappropriate, adding a dash of laughter to your feed will attract followers who accidentally discover your page. They will come for the memes, but they will stick around for the content that actually matters to you.

How To Get Followers On Twitter

Twitter is considered to be a niche social network, but its influencers still have a huge authority online. Even for the same brands and media personalities, the number of followers on Twitter will never compete with the number of followers on Instagram, but here are a few ways to effortlessly grow your Twitter following.
  • Improve the top of your page.Your bio and user picture are the first things your potential followers notice about you. Plus, with a well-designed bio, you will have a better chance of attracting followers from Google search. Your bio needs to include your name/business name and give your users a complete idea of why you are on Twitter.
  • Tweet consistently. Twitter messages are very short and you probably don’t need to keep the same strict schedule as with your other social media feeds. However, if you have been silent for a week and then re-emerge with a few dozen tweets at once, it’s going to scare away your existing followers instead of attracting new ones.
  • Take part in #FollowFriday and other flashmobs. If you demonstrate your ability to appreciate other people’s content even if they may be your direct competitors, they will be more likely to recommend your account in the next #FF.
  • Engage with brands and influencers. Having them reply back to you and include your username can mean great things for your follower count, but you also should never go overboard and make it your main activity on Twitter.
  • Host live-tweeting sessions. If there is one thing Twitter users love about the platform, it’s the ability to live tweet various events in real-time. Choose an event that is relevant to your niche and post timely, eye-catching, and smart commentary using the right hashtags to attract new followers to your account.