Internationally bestselling author J.K. Rowling on Wednesday launched a new website showcasing content from her Harry Potter books in a bid to help stave off boredom for millions of children stuck at home.

British author Rowling, 54, said that her new platform “Harry Potter at Home” was targeted at children unable to go to school due to the worldwide coronavirus pandemic.

The site includes links to free versions of the first in the Potter series, the 1997 novel “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” available as an e-book or audiobook in a range of languages.

There are also a number of puzzles, games and videos with guides on how to draw creatures from the series, according to an announcement on the site’s home page.

“Parents, teachers, and carers working to keep children amused and interested while we’re on lockdown might need a bit of magic,” Rowling wrote on Twitter.