Whether you like it or not, condoms are a necessity. It Whether you like it or not, condoms are a necessity. It is something that you must wear every time you engage in a sexual intercourse.
Condoms keep you protected both from sickness and unwanted pregnancies. But do you know that there are many interesting facts about condoms?
However, there are so many things many of you might not know about it. Curious???

1. Scientists believe that condoms were used way back in 11,000 BC:
Scientists were convinced that even the ancient men knew about condoms. They through the oldest paintings discovered inside the ancient caves in France. See? Even our great, great grandfathers realize that condoms are important. So always wear yours.

2. Condoms make sexual intercourse 10,000 times safer:
If you don’t want to acquire HIV or any other sexually transmitted diseases, then don’t risk it. The use of condom practically keeps you away from any diseases. That very high level of protection is definitely too unwise to ignore.

3. China holds the world record for creating the largest condom:
During the celebration of the World population Day in 2003, China made a 80 meter x 100 meter condom and placed it on top of a hotel located in Guilin, China.

4. An average condom can hold a gallon of liquid:
If you do a little experiment and put water inside a fully stretched-out condom, you’ll realize that it will work better than a huge jug or a canteen of water – and it won’t leak at all. Quite impressive, huh?

5. Before latex condoms were discovered, other materials were used:
If you are complaining about the thickness of your latex condom, think about this: the ancient Egyptians use animal bladder for condoms. And there are condoms made with fish skin, linen, leather, and silk. It’s your choice.

6. Condoms are a standard issue for military men:
This is true for the German military men of the 19th century. And from 1927 to 1931, all American soldiers were distributed condoms. Mainly because of this fact, you may now think of condoms to be as essential as guns while in combat.

7. Condoms are the cheapest birth control method:
Men and women need not worry about themselves with birth control and contraception. A condom costs as little as $0.10; sometimes even given out for free. Think about that and compare it with a lifelong responsibility.

8. Condoms don’t take the fun out of sex:
If you think that wearing condoms during intercourse can negatively affect the way you perform with your partner, think again. With the different type of condoms today, that is no longer the case. It all boils down to wearing the brand that can give you the best fit and the best experience of all. So don’t stop looking!

9. You Should Never Keep Condoms In Your Pocket:
A lot of people really do this because they seem to think condoms are indestructible, and so they don’t give a second thought to where they keep them. The truth is condoms can rip or tear easily. Even in the packaging, sometimes that little rip can be so small that you don’t even notice it (but sperm will!). Between sitting down, moving around, and the fabric moving against your body, the friction is enough to wear through the packaging and get to the condom, especially if it’s on the older side. You’re better off keeping your condom in a drawer or a small compartment in a handbag where they won’t constantly be rubbing against something.

10. Some Do Not Protect Against All STDs:
Although condoms are almost 100 percent effective in protecting against most STDS, they aren’t 100 percent – and that means they don’t protect against everything. They protect against the STDs that are transmitted by contact of private part fluid between two partners. They are not great protection against herpes – you can still get herpes from someone even if you’re wearing a condom.

11. Condoms Can Take Away Your Natural Lubrication:
If you’ve ever noticed that when using a condom during s*x, your v**ina quickly dries up, that’s totally normal. Both latex and non-latex condoms can cause vaginal dryness, making it uncomfortable to have s*x. If you don’t want to use a chemical filled lube, but your v**ina gets dry when using a condom, try using a safer lubrication such as coconut oil. A little coconut oil can be used on the outside of a condom or inside your v**ina for easy insertion of the man-hood.

12: Condoms Have An Expiration Date:
Just like your favourite snack and anything else, condoms have an expiration date. Although condoms have a shelf life of about four to five years, stores that sell them don’t necessarily pay attention to exactly when they expire, so it’s important that you do. If you’re trying to use a condom that has expired, it begins to lose its strength and flexibility, and is more likely to break. Condoms can also lose their effectiveness over time, making you susceptible to STDs or the chance of pregnancy. Pay attention to the date on the box and throw out and replace old condoms.

13.  Talc Is A Dangerous Ingredient In Condoms For Women:
Have you ever opened a condom and noticed a small dust of powder come out? That powder is talc, a dangerous ingredient some manufacturers use in the production of condoms. Particles of talc powder in latex condoms can enter a girl’s body during s*x and irritate tissues, potentially causing infertility (not able to have a baby), and cancer. To reduce these risks of infertility and potential cancer, use non-latex condoms when having s*x.

14. Spermicide Condoms Can Cause Irritation:
Although condoms are 97 percent effective in protecting you against pregnancy and most STDs, they can still cause you some problems. Spermicide is an ingredient found in some condoms that kills sperm and adds lubrication. Spermicide contains the chemical, nonoxynol-9 which can cause irritation, itching or burning for both the male and female. N-9 may cause women to experience urinary tract infections, yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis after using condoms containing this ingredient. Continue reading about the side effects of N-9 in this article here.

We hope you learned a thing or two??