A man of God has looked into the crystal ball and warned that the country might encounter more economic hardship and that hunger and famine are knocking the door of the country.

According to Prophet Sunday Dare Iyunade of Pentecostal Sanctuary Bible Ministries, Odoegbo Onituwo, Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, there might be financial and economic draught in the country.

Speaking during the flagging off of the 20th Anniversary and annual convention of the mission on Friday 11 March, Prophet Iyunade said that despite this there is still hope for Nigeria and that the nation would rise back.
He added that there would be serious challenges and that the people might struggle all through the four years of this present government, while advising that the government should promote righteousness so that they could survive during this trying period.

"Only righteousness promotes a nation, sin is a reproach to any people. Our present situation is God's reaction to our attitude. Investors will still come as there is an existing prophecy on relocation of the World Trade Centre to Africa with Nigeria as the centre of trade as she will play a major role.
"In this season, investors will be scared and they will run away. We must keep hope alive as they will come back, when the trial period expires," he said.

Prophet Iyunade stated further that he once said that the necessary change in the country would not come now and that the all the strengths of the South West would be weakened as it controls the economy of Nigeria.
He stressed that serious conflict and crisis await Nigeria at the political level and that this was beyond what he knew, but that it would bring about a serious falling apart.

According to him, some of the reigning Nigerian leaders would derail and would become irrelevant, and the political wave would make them irrelevant and their season would be wiped off.

"A new team would be raised that will take over the political arena. It will give rise to a political wave-cum revolution in the nation. Serious rebellion will arise in the security section/outfit in Nigeria, but it will not prevail against the will of God," he said.

The prophet warned that what he saw hibernating upon Lagos is still there and that the South West would experience set back economically as a result of what they did in the past, and advised that they should seek God's face and turn to God.

The cleric revealed that God told him that the government intended to reduce the population of Christians in Nigeria, but that God has annulled this and that the mission would fail.

The prophet said further that persecution of Christianity will increase this season and that Christian religious leaders should guide their loins and resist serious persecutions that are being planned against Christianity in Nigeria.

He said that irrespective of persecution, God has prepared another wave of revival that will take place and give Christendom advancement within this country, but that before the end of the year, God would shock believers in Nigeria.

"Nigerian Christian leaders compromised God's purpose for the country. They compromised God's will for Nigeria and supported conspiracy against God's will because of their selfish interest. They will struggle to hold it, but they will not be able to hold it. It will be marked against them," he said.

State Police Is The Best For Nigeria

-Lawmaker, Olumuyiwa Jimoh

With the current challenges in the country, a lawmaker in the Lagos State House of Assembly, Hon. Olumuyiwa Jimoh has reiterated the need for state police in the country.

Jimoh, who is representing Apapa Constituency 2 in the Assembly, added that Nigeria should re-direct its focus on revenue to other areas and that President Muhammadu Buhari has started the process of re-building the country.

He speaks on some other issues in this interview he granted Oladipupo Awojobi recently.

Would you say we are ripe for state police with the state of security in Nigeria today?

You need policemen to provide security for the people all over the world. As you have the London Police, you have the Metropolitan Police. So, state police is the best for this country. Within us, if we have state police, it would give more hands to our security men. The merits of state police are more than the demerits. It is only in this part of the world that people feel that politicians would use state police to fight their opponents.

But do you think some state governments can afford to finance state police with their dwindling resources?
Must the security collapse, are they not surviving? When they are finding it difficult to pay salaries, it shows that our focus on resources should be changed. We should look elsewhere for survival, there are some countries that survive on sugarcane like Cuba and they have the best medical facilities in the world. They go to schools, virtually all Cubans are educated. Our own focus is on oil, we should redirect our energy to other sectors for survival.

People are saying the reason everything is at a standstill in Nigeria is because of what your government met on ground at the federal level. What is your take on this?

It is one of it and that is even partially, former president Goodluck Jonathan messed up this country. He allowed his people to steal our oil with impunity; he has forgotten that he swore to an oath under the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He just allowed them to do whatever they wanted. What they sell at the official rate is higher than what those who steal the oil sell because it was free for them, they could sell at any price. It is important that we go back to the basics, problems are like plants, they have roots. When we were younger, we knew the policy of the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) then. Agriculture was paramount, Malaysia was in Nigeria some years ago to pick seedlings of palm oil, now they are best producers of palm oil. When you go to our supermarkets, you would see imported palm oil from Malaysia.

Do you think the way the Federal Government is handling corruption today is normal as some people believe that President Buhari is targeting PDP stalwarts?

The issue is that he must start from somewhere. Those who were arrested, are they not guilty. Remember that President Muhammadu Buhari is a Fulaniman and the henchman of the security fund is also a Fulaniman, so we should stop being parochial about this. No matter what you do, people would read meaning to it. You cannot satisfy man, even God cannot satisfy man.

How can you assess the government of Buhari in the last eight months in the areas of health, security and all that?

A lot of the things we see are accumulation of what have been happening over decades. But he has started well, these are problems that have been there for a long time and the solutions are gradual. By the time he recovers all these money, they would not pump them to infrastructure, they would go to our external reserves and this has even jacked up the value of naira in the international market. This means the rate of dollars to naira has fallen.

What are the challenges in your constituency in Apapa 2?

There are two opinions to that, what affects my constituency affects virtually all the constituencies in the state and in Nigeria. In Lagos central, people have a misconception of our roles as lawmakers. Access to infrastructure is there, we need more roads. The government has started by building some roads in the area, but human wants are unlimited. It is our responsibility to tell the people about the responsibilities of the government and their own responsibilities. But if you don't make any attempt to inform them, you are not doing anything.

What are your major activities as the Deputy Majority Leader of the House?

Part of it is what I want to go and do now; committee works, principal officers meeting and business rules. Business rules is my major activities, I should assist the Majority Leader on Motions, Bills and others.

What have you been doing for your people as their representative?

What I have been doing is a kind of social relations with them. From June 8, 2015 till date, I have trained over 500 people on computer literacy. I have also been educating them on our responsibilities and those of other arms of government so that they would know their rights. I am planning with the Office of Public Defenders (OPD) so that they could have access to free legal services.