There is no doubt that Nigeria is at its most critical period at this period, and many people are looking forward to a new dawn in the country.
But a man of God, whose several predictions in the past came to pass, has revealed that it is not yet Uhuru for the nation.
Pastor Sunday Dare Iyunade, who is the President of Pentecostal Sanctuary Bible Ministries, Odo Egbo, Ijebu Ode disclosed that irrespective of whoever wins the forthcoming elections in Nigeria, the agenda of God for the country will stand and be fulfilled, but that we must pray against external forces I.e world powers, who have ganged up against Nigeria.

He said that God's agenda for Nigeria is for her to be hope for end time evangelism and the economic hub of Africa, while declaring that irrespective of any turbulence, Boko Haram and sorts, Nigeria will not break up.
According to him, " An event will occur in Nigeria, but God said there is no hope yet, neither is it time for change. It is not yet time for hope, but it will come later. It is not yet time for Nigerians to rejoice and celebrate. This is not to say that you won't vote, but it is not yet time for Nigeria's hope, so no one should rejoice yet.

"There will be political and economic set back. A new system of corruption will evolve next year. In spite of whatever is happening, you have to go out to exercise your voting right. If you don't vote, you are an enemy of Nigeria," he said.
Pastor Iyunade recalled that he spoke about the annulled June 12, 1993 presidential election presumably won by the late Chief M.K.O Abiola as God told him that there would be an election, but that it would be cancelled, adding that people did not believe him then.

He stated that it was not yet time for change, and that the two sides would disappoint Nigerians, apparently referring to the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress of Nigeria (APC), who are the main contenders in the forthcoming elections.
Prophet Iyunade revealed during a chat with the press on the forthcoming 19th Anniversary of his ministry slated for March 16th to 22nd, that there is a big conspiracy for which the South West will fall a victim and that they are going to pay a heavy price.
He emphasised that God told him that other regions will conspire against and afflict the South West.

"This will also affect the church. Both sides clamouring to rule the country have their agenda. The two groups have their negative agenda for the South West. The South West will pay a price for working contrary to God's agenda as God has given up the region in judgment and has placed the cane of affliction of the region in the hands of any leader that emerges from either party to afflict the South West.

"It is unpleasant the South West did something, but God did not tell me. I saw other regions standing against the South West. The South West will face problems in Nigeria's politics. The region is behind and will go further backwards. Something wants to repeat itself the second time, but it will be tougher for the South West," he said.
Iyunade, who confidently said that elections would hold in Nigeria, added that there will be no joy for the South West in the next four years politically, adding that God said he would deal with religious leaders in the region.

"I saw pillars/flags destroyed in the South West. People whom we never thought could ever fail or fall declined and fell utterly as a result of the political trend. They will begin to depreciate because of the issue of Nigeria particularly religious leaders. We must pray for the South West," he revealed.
The man of God however, said that Christians can excel in politics, but that they should make their stand known.
He explained that there is nothing wrong with a pastors taking part in politics since they are human beings too.
Prophet Iyunade observed that the problem with Nigeria is because Christians are not involved in politics, and that if they are involved, they would not carry guns, cutlasses or employ thugs to fight for them like some politicians allegedly do.

"If you see pastors in politics, you should be happy. We should not see our members, who are politicians as backsliders. Allow the people on the altar to be in politics like God allowed priests to involve in politics in the Bible," he said.
He said further that there is much money in the hands of the few in Nigeria to truncate the progress of the country, saying that the change we require in Nigeria would come in another form.
While taking a swipe at the press for allegedly colluding with Nigerian politicians to commit atrocities, he ruled out the incursion of the military into the Nigerian political terrain.

"Military is not the solution, it will set us back. The worst civilian government is better than the best military government. Military is not the solution, Interim National Government (ING) is not the solution. This government would go if they lose the forthcoming election. Nigerian politicians are using the press negatively and we have to change that," he stated.