On Thursday, August 14, 2014, creative Nollywood star, Omoni Oboli took her new and first self-directed flick, ‘Being Mrs Elliot’ to the Nigeria’s seat of power, Aso Rock, in Abuja, for premiere. President Goodluck Jonathan with his Vice, Namadi Sambo, were few of the high profile Nigerians at the event, and few of the casts in attendance included AY.
At the presidential movie premiere, Omoni, a mother of three, looked radiant like never before. In fact, some confessed that they never knew the actress could be that sexy because before then she was always seen as a moderate woman. 
But after the event, Omoni has come under harsh criticisms for her dress, which appeared to have exposed her breasts. Those who slammed the actress expressed disappointment over her dress, saying they never expected her to indulge in such.
However, Omoni has reacted to the criticisms, claiming her dress appeared to have shown much of her chest due to camera angle.
She said further that after the event, she headed straight to her hotel room and returned to Lagos to meet her family. According to her, she did not collect a dime from the Presidency as some may have been thinking.
“Before the screening, they asked me what I wanted and I said I didn’t want anything, but that the President and his people should see the movie and give their blessings. For me, that is good enough for the industry,” she explained. 

Furthermore, the actress said, “The first time I ever saw the President was at his brother’s burial ceremony, which I attended. I don’t know him from anywhere or personally.”
“During the event, President Jonathan said that the government didn’t have money to give me and he said this in front of everybody.
“So, if anybody is going aside to say something else, they are wrong. I returned to Lagos with the small purse I took to the event and after the event I went back to my hotel room and left for Lagos the next morning. I didn’t stay back in Aso Rock or sneak out to meet anybody," she narrated.
She added that, "I am still hoping they will call us to come and take something, that they are impressed.”