Salihu Othman Isah, otherwise known in Nollywood as Hotman, is the National Vice President (North West) of Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN).
Hotman had an interactive session with selected entertainment writers in Lagos recently, where he explained the rationale behind the Tuesday, February 18 visit to Aso Rock by leading movie practitioners, which has since become controversial, his quarrel with the lack of implementation of the pledge made to the sector by President Goodluck Jonathan, recent federal appointments and he requested that it is time a Ministry of Nollywood Affairs is created.
President Jonathan received about 80 stakeholders in the movie industry under the aegis of Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) about three months ago, what actually prompted the visit
The visit was meant to be used to bestow the prestigious position of Grand Patron of the Guild to President Goodluck Jonathan as well as to request the support of the Federal Government in moving the industry forward. You know the government has a big role to play if we must realize our dream of building an industry that can compare favourably with others like the one in the United States of America’s (Hollywood) and India’s (Bollywood) movie industries. As it is today, the Nigerian Federal Government and states governments are doing next to nothing to support the entertainment sector in spite of its contributions to the growth of the Nigerian economy, especially in terms of job creation and laundering the image of the country.

What do you think is the reason behind the criticisms over the visit
Nigerians sometimes react to issues just for the sake of it. Most times, they have no point to make. The reactions are just for them to be heard and not because they are justified. But why some respected players in the industry would join the outburst is what is actually baffling. With due respect to those who have criticized that visit, I would say it is uncalled for because it is not the first time such would be happening.

Do you mean people like Clarion Chukwura and John Okafor (Mr. Ibu) don’t know what they are saying
You see, I don’t want us to make it look as if there is a controversy here because there isn’t one. What we have instead is that some people fail to understand our mission there; where they understand, those who were not on the entourage simply resorted to crying foul. But without sounding immodest, I want to make this clarification that heavens would not fall just because members of Nollywood visited Aso Rock. We have heard all sorts of allegations made against the visit with some people claiming that we went to beg for handout from the president. What insult? Unfortunately, a director I respect so well, Charles Novia was the first to react, he claimed that we went cap in hand to beg for money. Although, Segun Arinze, who is the immediate past president of AGN has reacted adequately to his outburst and I think he understands now why the visit had to hold.
However, I have to emphasis here that we did not go there for any form of handout. Ibinabo Fiberesima, as our President and head of the delegation, delivered a speech publicly which was very clear on the subject matter. It was clear that we were there for issues that would move the industry forward. Personally, I do not subscribe to such things as begging for survival from the government and its officials. This is the reason I kept to myself, while we were in that place watching some of the stars scramble after some top government officials during and after that visit.
This is normal in Nigeria, but you will never find me doing that except I am approached to offer honourable professional service. Again, don’t forget that in Nigeria everything revolves around the government due to the nation’s poor economy.
So, if the likes of Mr. Ibu, Charles Novia and Clarion Chukwura were not invited to be on the train they should not see it as a direct affront or disrespect to their person because at the point the list was being drawn, no one probably remembered them. However, no ulterior motive was intended. Simply put, it was nothing else, but an oversight, though, I am not trying to defend anyone over this. I am speaking because I am a member of the National Executive Council of AGN and the bulk stops at our table. So, I would not hold brief for anyone to rubbish the leadership.

How true is the allegation that the visit was also for the purpose of pledging loyalty for Jonathan’s 2nd term ambition in 2015
This is funny because I do not see how everyone in the industry or everyone who embarked on the visit could be sympathetic to the President’s aspiration. This is impossible, I mean; for the entire industry to support his 2015 presidency project. Our visit was purely on professional ground and nothing more. If anyone went behind afterwards for other motives, it is not to my knowledge.

But Jonathan said a lot of lofty things about the sector which was seen as a way of cajoling you to jump on his campaign
What is wrong with that? He is free to seek the support of anyone or any sector he feels would be useful to his cause. I do not fault him for doing this. But he only enumerated the advantages of seeing the movie as a vehicle to propagate government policies and programmes. And I believe this is a statement of fact because movies are relied upon globally for this purpose.

It could just be a veil approach by the President to say ‘I would use you for my campaign’
Yes, he has the right to use whoever he wants, especially if it is done legally. President Barack Obama used entertainment as a vehicle to drive his campaign for his first and second terms in office. In fact, politicians worldwide have resorted to employing entertainers for their campaigns. We also experienced this a great deal in 2011 here in Nigeria. The President has some of our members campaigned for him. So, I don’t see anything wrong with that.

So, if he comes knocking on the doors of Nollywood to support and campaign for his 2015 bid, are you saying you would oblige
To answer this question, I would say an emphatic no. In fact, I know Nollywood would not support Jonathan’s re-election bid. I am saying this because I know it, not just as an insider, but also as a journalist who knows how to nose around.

Why would Nollywood not support him
This is because they did last time (in 2011) and he pledged support for the industry, which he is yet to fulfill about three years after. So, we don’t see him as a honourable leader. You know they say once beaten, twice shy.

With all his assistance and support to the sector
What support has he rendered to the industry? Tell me, which assistance?

But he gave N3 billion ‘Presidential Intervention Fund’ to improve the industry
Tell me, who has benefited since he made the pronouncement during his campaign in 2011. I want you to mention just one beneficiary, I want to know. I have said it elsewhere before and I want to re-emphasise here that they are just playing ‘boju-boju’ (hide and seek game) with the sector. It is like the more you see, the less you understand. We are approaching another election year in 2015; the 2011 campaign promise has not been kept. I want to let my colleagues know that it would be better for them to shine their eyes; though, I’m aware there was a seminar for business plan and film funding, which took place at the Lagos Business School in Victoria Island recently.  The very few that could be said to have drawn from the fund, especially in the marketing area, are close allies of the managers of the project. What is happening to the N150 million ‘Capacity Building Fund’ for the training and skills acquisition of practitioners?

But there is still time for the pledge to be kept
Well, let us see him keep the promise first. The reason I warn our practitioners to avoid being used unnecessarily is because there is no continuity in leadership in Nigeria. If Jonathan is not re-elected that is the end of it because it doesn’t even have legislative backing. So, you cannot insist that his successor must fulfill the pledge he didn’t make. It was not his project, moreso; the new President might even feel that the pledge was made by an opponent to promote his aspiration, so he would quickly jettison it. We could also have a scenario, where Jonathan wins the election and is returned to office and he would cancel the whole thing because he does not need you anymore since he is not going to vie for another election; except of course, he chooses to perpetuate himself in office for a third term.

There have been moves to spend N300 million on local and foreign trainings, don’t you think you need a little more time to have a proper implementation
I hope you heard me right the very first time. I do not quarrel with putting structures on ground; the issue is how long will it take for the project to take off. People like the Co-ordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as well as the Minister of Tourism, Chief Edem Duke, who are directly in charge, may have to explain the rationale behind the delay since they are the ones handling the issue.
We have heard this recycled story since June last year or even before then. So, how long would it take to get things started; and what other structure do they want to put on ground since ‘Project Act Nollywood,’ a non-governmental organisation charged with handling the project, has been instituted since March 2013 and those on board have held series of meetings. The online registration that you talked about is under ‘Project Act Nollywood.’ This is mid-April 2014. As I speak; I know my members are demoralised already and some don’t know what to believe anymore whether the project is real or not, whether it would be realized or not. Personally, I am tired of having to explain things to them in my zone and seeking their patience. Let’s not fool ourselves, does it take them seconds to perfect things if they want to steal government money, why would it take them years to keep the presidential pledge.

But what about the appointment given to entertainers by the government
Are you saying in a sector as huge as Nollywood no one is good enough or qualified to be a minister or even a junior minister? Though, there is nothing we could have done to force Mr. President to do otherwise, if he didn’t give us these appointments, I want to make it clear that those who have got appointments are card-carrying members of the ruling party; except Ibinabo. The others are politicians or personal friends of President Jonathan and they were appointed due to the settlement syndrome for their contribution to the struggle of their party. Besides, how many of them got lucrative offices or are head of their corporations or organisations apart from Onyeka Onwenu and Bongos Ikwue. Don’t assume that the appointees are filling the slots of Nollywood. They are PDP card-carrying members, while some of them have vied or would be vying for offices under the party.

Are you now advocating a ministerial appointment for a member of Nollywood
Yes, I am advocating that a filmmaker should be appointed a minister. We have those who are very qualified to manage such offices. In fact, the country is overdue for a separate ministry to oversee our affairs because we have contributed so much to the nation’s growth. An industry that employs over a million people directly and several more through the provision of ancillary services should not be treated with kid gloves. The entertainment industry has helped to reduce the burden on the leadership of the country because the huge unemployment rate in the country is one of our biggest problems in Nigeria. So, there should be a complete ministry created to handle its affairs and a player appointed to head the ministry. We have stakeholders in the industry such as Ibinabo Fiberesima, Pete Edochie, Kasimu Yero, Sani Muazu, Olu Jacob, Joke Silva, Emma Ogugua and Richard Mofe-Damijo among others who can be appointed as Minister of Nollywood Affairs.

In a recent interview with First Weekly, Fiberesima Ibinabo showered praises on President Jonathan; are you saying she was wrong since you have a different opinion
This is the problem. Ibinabo is entitled to her opinion, while I am entitled to mine. I read that interview and there was nowhere she claimed to be speaking on our behalf. In any case, if Ibinabo gets an appointment, you can’t now expect her to say anything wrong about her benefactor. She is one person in AGN or Nollywood, so making her a board member does not amount to settling the sector.

What form of contribution do you expect from the government
I want the government at all levels, especially at state and federal levels, to be more pro-active in offering support to the industry. It should be considered that for a sector that lacks the backing of the government and the corporate sector to have achieved this much, with their backing, the sky would be the limit; and this would translate to more employment and growth in the nation’s Gross National Product (GDP).
I expect that an independent Ministry of Nollywood Affairs would be created by the Federal Government to handle issues relating to creative arts in the country. Also, I believe the intention of Mr. President is okay, the problem is his inability to fulfill his pledge to the industry. So, he has to be more pro-active and sincere in his dealings with us before making effort to seek our support in whatever form. He needs to work really hard to get Nollywood to back him for his elections.

What do mean when you say ‘sincere and work hard’
Yes, I say sincere because from what I have deduced from private random discussions, especially with most top players in the industry, they really believe the man is playing on the intelligence of those in the entertainment sector because with his pronouncements of support for the industry, he has little or nothing to show for years. To add salt to injury, he pledged to involve AGN in the Centenary programme and give us two slots at the National Conference, but we have not seen anything happening in these directions with the conference inaugurated about five weeks ago. I won’t talk about the secretariat complex he promised because it might be too early to start holding him or the Minister of FCT responsible for this. This explains my advice to him to be more proactive and to work hard. This simply means he should act fast because we are running against time as the general elections are fast approaching.

But as observed earlier, something is being done
The question I’d like to ask here is that, at what pace is this being done? Let us be more realistic on this matter please so that I am not misunderstood or misquoted. The issue is that the process can be faster if they actually mean to realize it. We have instances, where some state governments have sent their people for training both at home and abroad. I know Kano and Borno States have done this, sending people for training is a trending way of providing dividends of democracy in this dispensation. Kano has dispatched over 500 people to foreign universities to train in medicine, pharmacy and piloting among other courses. Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno State is also preparing his state for future challenges by sending 20 of his people for Msc programme in Petroleum Geo-science in the United Kingdom, he sent 35 girls to Sudan for MBBS degree under the Female Medicine Intervention Programme, 49 teachers were sent for three months training in India to master K-TAN electronic teaching aides, he sent 50 people to Thailand on train the trainer course on Integrated Agriculture and another 20 for a four year degree course on Maritime Science in the UK/India in conjunction with the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA). To imagine that this is a state under heavy bombardment from terrorist attack and the governor could still send his people for training without bureaucratic bottlenecks, we need to think twice over the slow pace of the pledge of President Jonathan to build the capacity of Nollywood filmmakers through training. What I am trying to point out here is that it is realisable if they muster the political will to make it happen.

AGN has been undergoing series of crisis since your executive came on board, why is this so
Crisis is bound to happen, whether it is at institutional level or family level. The entire world is currently undergoing various form of crisis, the government of President Jonathan is under crisis; the state governments are having crisis, so AGN is not alone in this. Anywhere two or three people co-exist, there is bound to be one form of misunderstanding or the other. The tongue and cheek also quarrel often, but it is the ability to overcome this crisis that matters.  Check out the history of great nations like the United States, Great Britain, Germany or Italy; they have all gone through one form of crisis or the other. So, AGN would get over its crisis and come out stronger in the long run; I can assure you of this.

Don’t you think Fiberesima Ibinabo is also not helping matters
This is not true. You see, in every organisation where crisis brew, it is usually easy to start a crisis, but getting over it takes a little more time. It is oftentimes a Herculean task. Ibinabo alone cannot be the problem of AGN. It goes beyond her because the problems were there before she came on board.

So, how would you rate her leadership so far
She is trying her best. She has come and she is making her inputs as a leader and she would leave with some legacies, I believe. You know, the problem with Nigerians is that they must fault every leader. This is just the Nigerian factor.