Umrah pilgrims that decided to stay beyond their approved duration for two weeks would face the wrath of the Saudi laws.
This was contained in a statement in Mecca yesterday by the Deputy Hajj-Minister, Hatem Qadi, a copy of which was made available to our correspondent in Saudi Arabia.
The minister said that the measure was to reduce congestion at the circumambulation Area of Ka’aba during Ramadan by preventing pilgrims from overstaying their Umrah visas.

However, Hajj and Umrah companies have been urged to speed up the repatriation of umrah visitors from Rajab and Sha’aban to facilite the issue of new visas to their Ramadan visitors.

The statement was also specific on African umrah pilgrims especially Nigerians, Niger and Ghana in general.

He added that, “in the past umrah and Hajj companies used to accumulate Rajab and Sha’aban visitors until Ramadan before they sent them back to their countries, causing congestion at the Grand Mosque during Ramadan” he said.

Moreover, Hatem Qadi said that many companies used to delay submitting air transportation contracts for Rajab and Sha’aban umrah visitors until Ramadan, doubling the number of pilgrims in the process.
The ministry called on all the companies to dispatch their Rajab and Sha’aban clients first before new Ramadan visas are issued

“Accumulation of pilgrims in Ramadan will lead to accumulating them in Arafat; this will not be possible because of ongoing expansion projects in the Grand Mosque area and the Jeddah Airport”

In his response, the deputy chairman of the Shear Company for Tourism Development, Ahmed Ba-Fakeeh, said that the ministry had now introduced a clear strategy to prevent any companies and their agencies from violating rules.  Companies are being advised against using Rajab and Sha’aban visas for Ramadan visitors.
He said that, the ministry had already informed all companies and agencies around the world that pilgrims should leave the Kingdom at the end of their visit schedules.